How To Join a Learnership as a Worker
should ask their employers if they offer learnerships. They should
encourage their employers to start learnerships. If workers want to join
learnerships, they must make sure they know everything before they
Joining a learnership
If workers want to join a learnership they must use the following steps:
Step 1: Find out if your employer offers learnerships
your supervisor, training or personnel manager or trade union
representative if your employer offers learnerships. If they do not, go
to Step 2, if they do, go to Step 3.
Step 2: Encourage your employer to start learnerships
are many financial rewards for employers who start learnerships. Speak
to your supervisor or training or personnel manager and encourage them
to start learnerships. They can get more information from the
Step 3: Find out what learnerships are available
out what learnerships your employer offer and how you can apply.
Discuss this with your supervisor. You should find out what –
- will be asked of you; (e.g. will you have to study in the evenings?)
- qualification you will get;
- level the qualification will be;
- kind of tests there will be;
- happens if you fail; and whether
- you will be able to cope with the classroom and practical work; and
- there will be future promotion or training.
Step 4: Apply for the learnership
Source: Department of LabourLink: