07 November 2013

UNISA Casual Workers

UNISA Temporary Workers PE, East London and Mthatha 


Enquiries: East London: (043) 743 9246 Ms N Mgudlwa Mthatha: (047) 531 5002/3/4 Mrs V Sigaqa Port Elizabeth: (041) 363 1070 Mrs R Daya · The completed prescribed application form must be accompanied BY COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM VITAE and ORIGINAL certified copies (within the previous six months) of; § all educational qualifications,  identity document; and proof of SAQA verification of foreign qualifications (if applicable) · UNISA reserves the right to authenticate all qualifications without any further consent from the applicant. · The contact details of three contactable references must be provided, one of which must be from your present line manager.More Details At SALearnerships