Tracker is offering the opportunity of a lifetime to 20 of South Africa's brightest young people, through a Learnership which will be based at Tracker Head Office in Johannesburg. The purpose of the Learnership is to empower and involve unskilled Matriculants in the workplace by giving them skills, experience and knowledge.
The skills programme consists of structured unit standard based learning combined with practical/workplace experience which totals to 128 credits.
Key Requirements•Be a South African Citizen and be in possession of a valid SA ID book
Matric with a (C) symbol pass in English language.
•Not be engaged in formal employment
•A passion for customer service and a professional attitude at all times
•The ability to communicate clearly and professionally with clients
•Excellent interpersonal skills
•Detail orientation
•Desire and potential to learn
•The ability to cope with a constant changing and pressurised environment.
•The ability to work in an environment where multi skilling is required
•Basic computer skills
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