19 January 2013

Learnerships and Internships in Cape Town

Tellumat offers an opportunity for workplace education and training programmes in the form of a learner ship for 12 months or 8 month internship where a full qualification can be obtained as well as practical workplace experience.
The following available:
Learnerships (18.2 Learners)
Inventory Management (x 1)
Business Administration (x 2)
Generic Management (x 1)
Finance Management (x 1)


National Diploma: Electrical Engineering
National Diploma: Graphic Designing
National Diploma: Human Resources Management
National Certificate: Business Administration

Who can apply for Learnerships:

Unemployed people

Who can apply for Internships?

Graduates that are required to extend their academic qualifications with practical exposure and specialized training.
Should you want to be considered an applicant for this position, please fax comprehensive CV to Maria Matiesie  - 021 710 2965 by no later than 25th January 2013